Savio Industrial is controlled by the parent company F&S Holding S.r.l., a wholly Italian enterprise.
The Savio Group, composed of four totally Italian companies, operates in the pharmaceutical field, covering different areas:
from development to manufacturing, distribution and scientific information to the medical class.
Savio Industrial was created beginning of 2015 to include the site of Pavia previously owned by MSD
History of the Pavia site
The plant was purchased in 1961 by Merck Sharp & Dohme from a small local company (Farmaceutica Cipelli)
During the 70s first investments were made to create an automatic warehouse and a new packaging area
In the 80s the “ enclosed unit” manufacturing area for oral solids (Unit 2) and a small area for ophthalmic products were built
Between the end of the 90s and 2000, significant investments were made, consisting in the expansion of the packaging area,
the creation of a new manufacturing area for oral solids (Unit 1) and the realization of supporting areas (new laboratories, reception and shipping areas in the warehouse). At the same time, the ophthalmic area was dismissed.
In 2013 Merck announced its decision to cease manufacturing activities in Pavia; in June 2015 the site was transferred to SAVIO Group
In 2016 the creation of a new area for the production of non-sterile oral liquids started
History of the Ronco Scrivia site
Between the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 Savio Industrial incorporated the site of Ronco Scrivia (Genoa), previously owned by the sister company Istituto Biochimico Nazionale Savio.
The site was created in year 1980 in one of the two actual buildings.
In year 1986 the then owning company (Istituto Biochimico Nazionale Savio) was acquired by the actual Group, which started a program of investments and extension, including the purchase of the second building and the creation of the Injectables area.
In year 2016 the site was transferred to company Savio Industrial, already owning the site in Pavia.
Our Group represents an integrated and interconnected reality, having our Customers as the main priority. All our supply chain is focused on Customers.
All our goals are shared and aligned with our Corporate Strategy.
The foundations of our progress lay on one single set of key performance indicators, which all our actions refer to.
All our Decisions, Responsibilities and Actions come from one single origin. All our processes are simple and standardized.
We bring problems to light and solve them cooperating.
We identify the actual cause of problems in order to solve them definitively.
We are open to provide and receive feedback and value our employees and external partners’ opinions.
Our employees are highly motivated, engaged and feel part of the Organisation.
Our profits are maintained and improved thanks to Supply Reliability and Productivity.
The company SAVIO INDUSTRIAL SRL is constantly committed to satisfy Customers requirements and expectations, by supplying high quality products manufactured, packaged and tested according to all applicable regulations
To achieve such goals, SAVIO INDUSTRIAL SRL’s policy is based on the following values:
• Products safety:
our medicinal products safety is of utmost importance to us.
We apply strict quality standards to all our activities.
We test raw materials and finished products according to universally recognised and accepted regulatory standards in order to assure safety.
• Quality Systems:
we define and maintain Quality Systems in order to grant an effective scheduling and execution of activities.
We constantly work to improve and integrate our systems in order to identify measure, control and maintain our products excellence.
• Continuous Improvement:
we work to continuously improve the quality of our products, processes and systems by defining objectives, programs and procedures and by monitoring achieved results
• Communication:
we are aware of the importance of communication inside our organization and
constantly act:
by establishing appropriate processes to raise awareness inside our organization about the importance of being inspired by the values expressed in the Corporate Policy and satisfying our customers’ requests;
by sharing the outcome of the evaluations about the effectiveness of the Management System, the Resources and the Plans adopted for the continuous improvement;
by involving all our employees in identifying possible areas of improvement.
• Training and awareness:
we consider our employees’ training and awareness fundamental to achieve high quality standards. For such purpose, we implement adequate training sessions in order to constantly update our employees’ expertise.
• Quality-oriented approach:
we commit ourselves to create a working environment where all our employees operate according to high ethical standards, sharing the company’s commitment to Quality excellence.
• Customers satisfaction:
we wish to fulfil our Customers’ expectations:
by granting supplies in line with the requests and respecting the agreed deadlines;
by delivering reliable products, compliant to the specifications and suitable for the purpose they are intended for;
by supplying products with adequate prices based on competitive manufacturing costs.
The focus on the above values, together with the support of systems designed to avoid situations of shortage and need for recalling products, allows us to guarantee the constant presence of our medicinal products on the market thus satisfying patients’ needs.
• How we make our values real:
• Our commitment to Excellence and Compliance in production and supply is absolute.
• By Compliance we mean all the aspects of Environmental Safety, GMP, Finance and Human Resources.
• All our employees cooperate to add value to our products.
• Time is a valuable resource the same way as money.
• The working environment is characterised by mutual respect, cooperation, teamwork and individual responsibility.
• We obtain the results we commit to achieve.
The above Corporate Policy and the Values expressed hereafter are totally shared and approved by our company Management.
For such purpose the company’s Administrative Body has adopted the Code of Conduct of F&S Holding Srl.
The Code of Conduct also represents a governance instrument and is an integral part of the Company’s “Model of Organisation, Management and Control” for the protection from incriminations according to Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 with reference to the Company’s administrative responsibilities.
“Whistleblowing” report for Savio Group Companies (Farmaci & Salute Holding S.r.l. – I.B.N. Savio S.r.l. – Savio Industrial S.r.l. – Farmaceutici Caber S.r.l. – Savio Pharma Italia S.r.l.)
The Savio Group, in compliance and in pursuant to the provisions referred to in Legislative Decree no. 24 of March 10, 2023, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019, on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law and national legislation, has implemented a “Whistleblowing” Reporting System containing detailed indications of the subject matter of the reports, as well as the related channels and operational methods for making reports concerning violations of national legislation and EU legislation that harm the public interest or the integrity of the Savio Group.
The key points are outlined in the Information and operational guidelines on whistleblowing prepared by the Savio Group. The processing of the reporter’s data is specified in the Privacy Policy with the corresponding Consent for processing personal data of the reporter to be sent completed to the Reporting Officer “Whistleblowing". The “Whistleblowing” reporting management system involves the use of an IT platform managed with full respect for the protection of the reporter’s identity.
The platform allows for reporting, even anonymously, violations, alleged or known, of rules, laws, procedures, company policies, as well as unlawful behaviors, ensuring the maximum confidentiality of the reporter.
To make a report through the online platform “EQS Integrity Line Professional", the link to be used is